310-945-5651 deb@deborahderas.com

YouTube 101

Who owns the SEARCH engine, Google? Who owns YouTube, Google? When your potential customers/clients go online to search for your products or services, they look on Google. If they are under 33, I promise you they will go first to YouTube, which is also a search engine...

How To Use IGTV To Grow Business

We all have heard of YouTube but did you know Instagram now you can have your own broadcasting networking on Instagram called IGTV. This is one of the newest features that allows you the ability to create long-form videos. You will learn: -How to set up your IGTV -How...

How to Use Instagram Stories for Sales Success

In 2020, the feed is dead and everyone is paying attention to IG stories, why because they are what people are consuming according to Social Media Examiner because they are the unfiltered authentic version of your brand. People don’t believe manufactured posts they...

How to Use Instagram Stories for Sales Success

In 2020, the feed is dead and everyone is paying attention to IG stories, why because they are what people are consuming according to Social Media Examiner because they are the unfiltered authentic version of your brand. People don’t believe manufactured posts they...
4 Steps to Increase Productivity

3 Tips to Realign your Mindset for Success


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