310-945-5651 deb@deborahderas.com

A.I. Training for Small Businesses

AI for Solopreneurs & Small Business Owners to Grow & Scale


Do you know that employers are now asking for A.I. experience for many jobs?

As a solopreneur or a small business without a lot of capital the fastest and easiest way to grow and scale is by

implementing A.I. tools but where should you start?

For my own business learning A.I. has helped me with the following practical tools to grow my business:

  1. Create Social Media Content: Use a simple 5-word prompt to create video reels.
  2. Build Stunning Presentations: Effortlessly design slides for your courses or presentations.
  3. Transform Videos: Turn long videos into engaging short clips.
  4. Revitalize Old Content: Repurpose podcast videos into fresh content.
  5. Design a Book Cover: Easily create a professional cover for your book.
  6. Publish a Journal: Finally, bring that dream journal or passive income product 
  7. Attract Big Clients: Write winning proposals that land clients like Google, Netflix and Footlocker.
  8. And Much More: All with just a touch of a button and zero learning curve!

This four-part training series is designed specifically for solopreneurs who have a limited budget, and limited staff but big dreams, are ready to grow and scale their business, and could use the help of AI to be your start-up team. 

This comprehensive program will provide you a quick and easy jump start with the essentials of AI, setting the stage for mastering content creation, graphic design, copywriting, social media marketing, video editing, and speech customization using cutting-edge AI tools and much more. 

The series progresses with a specialized module on AI-driven research strategies to find your ideal clients.  

The final module focuses on automating business processes, enabling small business owners to efficiently manage bookings, marketing, and logistics with AI technologies. Throughout this series, participants will gain hands-on experience and practical skills, empowering them to seamlessly integrate AI into their public speaking endeavors and achieve new heights of success.

Meet your Facilitator: A charismatic and sought-after international speaker with 22 years of experience captivating audiences around the globe. Renowned for her dynamic presentations, she has collaborated with Fortune 100 giants such as Procter & Gamble, GE, and Netflix, delivering impactful insights and strategies. In addition to her extensive speaking career, she is a dedicated educator in AI, teaching at the Long Beach Small Business Development Center, affiliated with Long Beach City College, and the Pasadena Small Business Development Center, linked with Pasadena City College. She is pioneering a cutting-edge Generative AI curriculum at Santa Barbara City College, aimed at empowering the next generation of AI-savvy professionals. Her wealth of experience and engaging teaching style make her an invaluable leader and mentor in this transformative series.

This training is ideal for small business owners, entrepreneurs, marketing professionals, and anyone interested in leveraging the power of Generative AI to enhance their business operations and marketing efforts. No prior technical knowledge is required, as our aim is to provide practical, easy-to-implement solutions for businesses of all sizes.


Unlock the Power of AI to Generate Revenue for Your
Small Business, Start Up or Side Hustle

 Session 1: Introduction to AI: What is Generative AI for Small Businesses/Side Hustles 

Step into the world of Generative AI and revolutionize the way you prepare and deliver your presentations. In this module, discover how cutting-edge tools like Gemini, Meta Imagine, Claude, and Canva Magic Write. You will learn how A.I. can grow your business and how to use these powerful platforms to craft engaging presentation slides, create detailed handouts, and even translate your presentations into multiple languages. We’ll also explore how to effortlessly update your website, create a social media strategy, optimize your LinkedIn and more. This module provides hands-on experiences with these tools, ensuring you can leverage AI to enhance every aspect of your public speaking engagements. You will leave this module with a simple and easy-to-apply approach to how to use AI for your small business or side hustle. 

You will leave this workshop with the following:

  • What is Generative AI.
  • What are the top 3 platforms I need to grow and scale my small business
  • What are the uses of AI.
  • What do I need to be careful of
  • Ten or more new uses of AI to grow and scale my small business. 
  • Plus a comprehensive resource sheet and video library with A.I. tutorials
  • Plus an action plan on how to implement it, easily and affordably on any budget. 


Session 2: Harnessing the Power of Generative A.I.: How to use & customize Chat GPT, Gemini, Claude & Canva Magic to help jumpstart your creative juices with content creation.

Transform Your Small Business with Generative AI: Mastering CHAT GPT, Claude, and Google Gemini.  

As solopreneurs/side hustles, we have limited time, energy, and budget but need to get our website, social media, and email campaigns going to sell our products and services. Now the power of Generative AI you can have a whole team of staff for less than $100 a month. This eye-opening training session will show you the power of Generative AI to transform every aspect of your business from operations, marketing, content creation, optimization, and customer engagement.

What You Will Learn:

Introduction to Generative AI: Understand the basics of Generative AI and how it can be applied to various aspects of your business.

  • How to use Chat GPT effectively for revenue generation
  • How to customize CHAT GPT
  • How to turn off the ability to train off your data for increased privacy 
  • What is Google Gemini and how is it can help my small business
  • What is Claude and how is it helpful  
  • Case studies on each platform
  • An action plan of how you can best use it in your small business


Session 3: How to Use Generative A.I. for Graphic Creation, Audio & Video Editing 

Many solopreneurs don’t have big budgets to hire models, do expensive photo shoots, or purchase high-end photos. Now with A.I. programs like DALL-E3, and Meta A.I. Imagine, to elevate their business’s visibility using graphic design tools. 


You will learn how to: 

  • Use the graphic design tools mentioned above and which one is best for which task
  • Understand the legal limitations of using generative AI graphics
  • How to create social media graphics, website images brochures and more
  • Plus a resource list and sample video tutorials that you can follow along with to get started. 


Session 4: How to use Generative A.I for Market Research to Find Clients 

Google AnalyticsBy now you understand the power of A.I. and your mind is blown on how efficient and what a fast learner it is. Your ideal staff member, so what is next? Let’s use it to find you more business. Once you crack the code of your Unique Selling Proposition & Your Target Market you can really leverage the AI tools to find your customer and begin marketing to them. 

In this training session, you will discover:

  • How to use AI for Market Research
  • How to get a spreadsheet of targets to sell your products/services to
  • How to get the best up-to-date results so you don’t waste your time
  • Now that you have the data what to do with it to convert it to sales
  • And the exact prompts to use to get the results you want
  • And so much more with podcasting, ebooks and more…


BONUS:  Bringing It All Together: Action Planning for Revenue Generation 

You will leave with an ACTION plan on how to implement everything we covered in the four week program. 



  • A priceless A.I. RESOURCE SHEET
  • Bonus AI for Content Creation webinar
  • Video training playlist of tutorials
  • Bonus AI for Podcasting Presentation 




Join Us LIVE and Get Personalized Answers to Your Small Business Questions!

Dates: Saturdays, October 5, 12, 19, & 26
Time: 10:00 AM – 11:15AM (PST)
Where: Live on ZOOM
Duration: 4 Weeks

If you miss a session, don’t worry! All classes will be recorded, and you’ll have lifetime access to the recordings and additional valuable resources.

Prefer to study at your own pace and earn airline points with your credit card?
Cost: $250
Click Here to Enroll in Self-Study

Or pay via Zelle: 310-945-5651 or Venmo: @DDERAS (last 4 digits 5651).

Want to join us live and get your questions answered, get feedback on ideas, and find out about no-cost 1-1 coaching with Deb? Join us LIVE. 
Cost: $500
Click Here to Join the October Cohort

Or pay via Zelle: 310-945-5651 or Venmo: @DDERAS (last 4 digits 5651).

BONUS: Attend live, and you might qualify for no-cost 1-on-1 training to help you implement the course material.

After Payment:
When you complete your payment, text “AI READY” to 310-945-5651. You’ll receive a Welcome email with all the details on how to access your course.



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