310-945-5651 deb@deborahderas.com

Monetize Your Magnificence

MYM: How to Be Abundantly Paid to Do What You Love



Would you like to grow your small business or side hustle? Are you an expert who would like to elevate your public speaking? Are you a solopreneur who would like to not be left behind and learn the power of A.I. to grow and scale your small business?


Deborah for 22 years has been passionate about helping you be abundant in doing what you love. From her first business, Passionate Living Now a life coaching company helping people discover their purpose to her current Synergy Unlimited Business all is to help you realize you can make money and help people you don’t have to choose. The Monetize Your Magnificence series will show you how. Whether you want to take one course on Public Speaking, another on A.I. it is all here for you to fulfil your souls contract. Watch the video for her story of how she discovered her WHY and why she is so passionate to help you discover yours.

We have created a Monetize Your Magnificence Courses:  

COURSE  ONE: Elevate Your Public Speaking, click here to learn more.

COURSE TWO:: Market Your Public Speaking, click here to learn more.

COURSE THREE:: How to make A.I. Your Speaking agent, click here to learn more.

COURSE   FOUR : AI for Solopreneurs, click here to learn more.


COURSE FIVE: How to discover your purpose to be abundant doing what you love?

COURSE SIX: Mindset for Success: Master Thoughts, Emotions, Behaviors, People

All of the courses can be taken as a self study training program to learn on your own or as a group in our virtual mastermind courses where you can use the power of Synergy. If you need more 1-1 there is always the 1-1 option for private coaching with Deborah even VIP day’s.  To schedule time to discuss with Deborah click here



“The Monetize Your Magnificence course, helped me to get a lot more clarity about both my value proposition and how to speak about it to my audience.” – Michelle Perkins, Money Mindset Coach for Women who want to transform their relationship with money. 

“The Monetize Your Magnificence program gave me so much clarity in my speaking business. I learned how much I need to niche down and if we are speaking to everyone then we are really speaking to nobody”. –Veronica Torres, Bilingual, Bicultural Childcare Facility Consultant.

“Deborah OVERDELIVERED. We got a steal of a deal, Deborah. I got so much Clarity plus tools on how to implement our speaking business from the website, marketing, and writing our speech. If people have an idea but not sure of it an idea can take it to the next level.” –  V.T.

“I would highly recommend the Monetize Your Magnificence course, it is extremely comprehensive if you want to use speaking as one of the tools to grow your business or career. The marketing and clarity are so helpful to find the right groups to speak to. Deborah teaching anything is so much fun and engaging. She always overgives. There is so much content and meat. I have so much content to go through. I am so happy to recommend it to others.” – M.P.

Schedule a call with Deborah to see if it is right for you click here to schedule.


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